Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

March 12, 2018
By Veagle1 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Veagle1 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

Today I hope you receive the welcome home you never got so many years ago. Welcome home, vet!
So many of you were drafted when you were 18 years old. This past February, I turned 18. I could not imagine going off to fight for my country and leaving my childhood behind. Thank you for being brave and courageous to fight for the United States of America. I am thankful for the Veterans who fought, I don't think I could be that brave. A week after my 18th birthday, I voted, which is a freedom of mine, all because of you.

My name is Claire and I am in High School. I am an athlete and thoroughly enjoy attending the Packers and Brewers games. At the beginning of games I hear the National Anthem and I proudly sing along and get tears in my eyes knowing I get to play the sport I love and watch the athletes play the game they love all because of the freedom that you fought for. At Packer games, when the Fighter Jets fly over, I get chills in my body seeing and hearing those makes me appreciate my freedom so much and realize I wouldn’t be in the stands today without the Veterans, like you.

Thank you for fighting for the freedoms I enjoy each and every day. A family friend of mine was a Marine and just hearing his stories makes me realize that going off and fighting is different than what I hear on the news. He always tells me, “I’m not as mean, not as lean, but I’ll always be a Marine.” You will ALWAYS be a Veteran and you ALWAYS deserve to know what that means to Americans around the world. 

For you to be so devoted, courageous and strong, fighting for our country and allowing me to have the freedoms I do that means the absolute world to me. 

I hope you had the most amazing experience on the Honor Flight. I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart, Welcome Home!

Thank you for your Service,


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