A Thank You Tribute to Vietnam Veterans | Teen Ink

A Thank You Tribute to Vietnam Veterans

March 9, 2018
By Max3112 SILVER, Pewaukee , Wisconsin
Max3112 SILVER, Pewaukee , Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

As a community, we are grateful for what you have done to keep our country safe and free. Words cannot express the amount of gratitude we have for you. What you have done has changed the world and allows people like me to have the life we do. For that I cannot thank you enough.

My name is Max. I am a High School student and I am writing this letter not only to speak for myself, but for all of my classmates. Being 18, I can only imagine the stress that goes into preparing for war. I cannot wrap my head around how strong your emotions must have been at the time. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be drafted. To leave everything you have going for you behind. I do not think I can fathom what it would be like. The strength and mental toughness that you have is undeniably strong. Knowing all that you have been through and after watching the Honor Flight movie I have become inspired to reach out and thank you.

During the time of the Vietnam war you did not have the choice to fight. The amount of courage it must have taken to go overseas is enormous. I am thankful for what you have gone through but at the same time I am sorry. Most wars are two sided good versus bad, North versus South. The Vietnam war was a completely different story; along with putting your life on the line, you had to deal with Americans and all of the changes that occured when you got back. The welcome home you received nearly 50 years ago was outwrite wrong. Looking back on how you were treated brings pain to me. No Veteran should come home to angry citizens mad at you for fighting in a war that you had no choice in. What you have experienced overseas is hard enough to cope with.

Today on the Honor Flight I hope you have a wonderful experience and receive the welcome home you have deserved. I cannot thank you in person but it does not take away the fact that I am extremely grateful for all that you have done. The country as it is today would not be the same if it were not for people like you. Thank you for your service and all that you have endured.





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