Thank You Veterans | Teen Ink

Thank You Veterans

March 9, 2018
By aschlon GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aschlon GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Welcome home. I just wanted to start out with thank you. You sacrificed a normal life for your country, only to come back an outcast. I think that is disgusting. You deserved a hero’s welcome, but instead you were turned away by the public. So from me, and on behalf of our country, I would like to thank you for your service, and the struggles you continue to endure. I am glad to have you back.

My name is Adam, and I am a senior in high school. Having just turned 18, I am now eligible for the draft. I am surrounded by chaos with college a turning point in my life, I couldn’t dream of setting that all aside, leaving friends, family, and school to heroically serve my country as you did. Not to mention you served in the most controversial war our country has been a part of. That took a strength and courage that most people could not match.

My grandpa was drafted, and the one thing that will always stick with me are his stories. I am in awe and proud of everything he, and soldiers like you, did. The first hand account from my grandpa makes those stories feel alive, embodying everything around me. I appreciate and admire the task you undertook for those you love.
In eighth grade I had the opportunity to visit the Vietnam War Memorial in D.C., and I will never forget all of the names. They seemed to go on forever. It was astonishing to see countless people there, searching for the name of a loved one. Your fight, however, did not end on the battlefield. It continues long after the war, and  through the rest of your life. Adjusting back to society, back into our crazy culture, the workforce, must have been equally taxing. And in this way your service continues. These aspects of your life are not forgotten, just as you will not be forgotten. Hopefully through the Honor Flight that is made abundantly clear, and you are given the respect, and welcoming you deserved.

Your legacy will long carry on. I am thankful for everything you and your fellow patriots have done. I hope you have a wonderful experience at the Honor Flight. Welcome home.

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