Hero in My Eyes | Teen Ink

Hero in My Eyes

May 1, 2017
By kylerfisk BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
kylerfisk BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout time, the world has seen heros of all types, ages, sizes, and experience. There have been superheros, war heros, religious heros, and more; however, one type of hero that often goes unnoticed by the majority of people in the world is personal heros. These people are seen as extraordinary in the eyes of few, yet they are overlooked by most others. Nonetheless, personal heros are incredible people who affect certain people’s lives in marvelous ways. In my lifetime, I have had a personal hero of my own; her name is Mrs. Fiorella. Mrs. Fiorella was born in New Orleans and has lived here her whole life. She is a science teacher at St. Dominic School in Lakeview, which is where I attended grammar school. I first met Mrs. Fiorella when she was my teacher for sixth grade science, and from then on she has been a person of great significance in my life. Through her astonishing strength, her compassionate generosity, and her perpetual wisdom, Mrs. Fiorella has been a true hero to me.

A primary aspect of Mrs. Fiorella that has made her a hero to me is her strength. Through her astounding strength, she has shown me how to be strong in life even in the worst of times. While I was still at St. Dominic, Mrs. Fiorella lost a very dear friend to cancer. From the time of her friend’s diagnosis to the time of her death, Mrs. Fiorella remained strong and positive about the situation. She had an unwavering faith in God, and she continually prayed to Him on behalf of her friend. Even when the end of her friend’s life was near, Mrs. Fiorella continued to trust in God that he had a plan. During these trials in her life, Mrs. Fiorella taught me a lot about being resolute even in the toughest of times. Also, Mrs. Fiorella exhibits her strength to this day though her stamina when it comes to her job. Even though she is getting older, and things are getting harder, she continues to work at St. Dominic. She loves her job, and she does not let physical issues prohibit her from continuing to be an amazing teacher. In conclusion, Mrs. Fiorella’s remarkable strength is one trait that has made her a hero in my life.

Another characteristic that has lead me to admire Mrs. Fiorella is her generosity. She so willingly gives of herself to others that it compels me to follow in her lead. For example, at St. Dominic she never hesitated to stop what she was doing and help anyone who was in need. Whether it was for school or not, she gave herself completely to that person until he or she was content. Also, while her friend was sick, Mrs. Fiorella graciously spread the word and asked for prayers on her friend's behalf. This simple act brought together many people and generated numerous prayers. Through this selfless deed, Mrs. Fiorella taught me that there is always a way to give to others no matter what the circumstances are. She is someone that I know I can always go to for help; consequently, she inspires me to be helpful and generous toward all people and in all times. In all, the unhesitating generosity that Mrs. Fiorella exhibits is yet another reason why she is an idol to me.

Finally, Mrs. Fiorella’s unique wisdom is a concluding reason why I see her as a hero. Even though Mrs. Fiorella was my teacher, she taught me a lot more than science. Along with the qualities of strength and generosity, she taught me many other lessons that I will cherish for the rest of my life. For example, during my seventh grade year at St. Dominic, Mrs Fiorella gave me and a few other girls the following piece of advice: F.R.O.G. meaning forever rely on God. She told that when we go to highschool things would be different, but one thing that will never change is the fact that God will always be there for us. This lesson was such an inspiring message that it has stayed with me through all of these years. The simple yet intricate knowledge that Mrs. Fiorella shared with me throughout my years at St. Dominic and to this day is something that I will never let go of. All in all, the precious wisdom that Mrs. Fiorella has shared with me is merely another reason why she is a hero in my eyes.
Mrs. Fiorella’s amazing strength, endless generosity, and enlightening wisdom have all contributed to making her a personal hero in my life. Her steadfast strength in all situations is a great example for me to follow. Also, she teaches me how to give to others through her boundless generosity. Finally, with her very unique wisdom, Mrs. Fiorella has taught me many valuable lessons that I will appreciate for years to come. Mrs. Fiorella’s overall personality and way of life resembles that of a person with great ability and influence. Her substantial presence in my life has caused her to remain a personal hero of mine; however, she is a hero who should be acknowledged and lauded by all. In general, because of her admirable charisma, Mrs. Fiorella is and always will be a hero to me.

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