Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

March 6, 2017
By Rumdog26 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Rumdog26 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

Hi! I’m Noah Rummel from Hartland, Wisconsin. My grandpa and his three brothers all served in the military. One flew a P-51 in World War II and flew in Korea. One flew a P-48, and the other fought in the Pacific theater. Hearing some of their stories and knowing what they’ve gone through, I cannot thank you enough for what you had the courage and bravery to do. It means a lot that you would risk your life to go and defend our freedoms.

What makes this country great are soldiers going overseas to protect Americans’ rights to do whatever they want. Veterans  are the heroes of this country.

My uncle had pictures from the battle of Peleliu and they were incredible. They showed 18 to 24-year-old men crawling up a beach without cover. I couldn’t help but think how courageous they were.

Giving up years of your life, college, leaving loved ones not because you wanted to leave, but because you loved them and this country more than anything else in the world is so admirable. Because of what you did, I am able to write this letter to you, I am able to do the things I love, and I am able to go to college and play football.

Don’t think for a second that you’re not appreciated or are forgotten because everyday I look at the flag in the morning, and I think of veterans. The people of America owe you guys everything. No one truly understands what you have done because they haven't experienced it themselves, to be honest, I don’t think half of Americans could go through what you have. So I will say it again: thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done. You are truly amazing and are a hero to me.

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honor flight, mail call

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