Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

March 6, 2017
By anovak21 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
anovak21 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Freedom can be described as many things. To me, freedom is the ability to live my life without guidelines of what I can and can’t do. My name is Abbey Novak and I am a junior at Arrowhead High School. Kids my age take for granted going to school everyday. Without the freedom that vets like you have fought for, I wouldn’t be able to have a good and stable education. Freedom has also given me the ability to go to college after high school. Many people in other countries don’t have this ability and freedom to get an education past high school or even middle school.

I am so thankful for everything you have done to help and make our country what it is today. You gave so much up at such a young age. Being 17, I couldn’t even imagine giving up the life I have now to go into the military at such a young age. You gave up your entire life to fight for what our country stands for and I will be forever grateful.

As a veteran, you all hold a big legacy for what our country is and how it has grown. Whenever I see a veteran out in public, I think that he/she is a hero.

I personally have never been to Washington D.C. to see the war memorials but that is definitely on my bucket list. The memorial was created for veterans to gather and remember what they have done to help our country. I hope that you have enjoyed seeing the memorial and being able to be welcomed home by lots of thankful people. I think that it is so great that veterans can be recognized on the Honor Flight for their services and sacrifices.

Again, I thank you so much for everything you have done!!


Abbey Novak

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