The Girl Who Changed Flying | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Changed Flying

November 30, 2016
By Arcee08 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Arcee08 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Planes soaring, spinning, and diving. The smell of the airplane fuel excites. People cheer and say “He’s a good pilot.” Correction...“She’s a good pilot.”

Her name: Amelia Mary Earhart. She pushed limits and broke barriers for women and me. I want to get my pilot’s license and now it’s possible and not as shocking as it was 100 years ago.

When all women would do was to stay home and take care of the children, Amelia Earhart challenged stereotypes and advocated for women’s rights.

If I met her, I would have a meaningful conversation with her. I would ask how she got past people mocking her and saying “you can’t do that! You're a girl.” I would also ask how I could make a change today. I would tell her how I am educating people about women pilots who soar, spin and dive in the air while people cheer “she’s a good pilot!”

The author's comments:

this is a which historical figure would I meet and why article

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