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December 1, 2016
By 8jarosinski GOLD, Watertown, Wisconsin
8jarosinski GOLD, Watertown, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After surviving a deadly attack by the Pawnee Indian Tribe, Hugh Glass and other fur trappers desperately tried to escape the Pawnee . They broke away from the violent attacks and that’s where Hugh Glass’s struggle begins.
While attempting to hunt, he was mauled by a Grizzly Bear. The bear ripped out a part of his throat and tore up his back by clawing and biting it. But Hugh managed to kill it before he was killed.

Glass, severely wounded,  two men  John Fitzgerald and Jim Bridger, stayed back with him while the rest of the fur trappers find a way back to the fort they came from. Fitzgerald left Glass for dead and Bridger was tricked into leaving Glass. Glass, despite his life threatening wounds, crawled and survived his way for 200 miles back to the fort to get his revenge on Fitzgerald.

If I could meet any historical figure it would be Hugh Glass because of his determination, perseverance, and toughness. I would want to know what drove him to go after Fitzgerald. I would ask him for advice on how to be able to have that level of determination to get through tough times in life.

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