Four Sisters, One Heart | Teen Ink

Four Sisters, One Heart

November 1, 2016
By EricaMadley SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
EricaMadley SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A sister is defined as a woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents. But the definition goes beyond that. The three sisters I have are by far the greatest influences on my life. They are my safety net when I start to fall, my tutor when I start to fail, and over all they are the people who love me for who I am. The three of them are my role models and are each beautiful in their own way. These are the three people in the world that I am proud to love unconditionally.

The oldest, Rachel, is 22 years old. She is referred to as the smart one in our family. She currently attends Columbia Grad school and studies immunology. Her alma mater is the University of Michigan. When it comes to school, Rachel is a perfectionist and a stress case. She cares so much about the work she pursues everyday, and how well she executes everything. This sometimes caused major fits to be thrown, which are most of the memories I have of her from when I was smaller. I would be sitting on the couch in the living room watching T.V., and down storms Rachel screaming and crying about a grade she got on a test in school or throwing a fit about how she never had any time between school and competitive cheerleading. She still may have these fits but since she is living in New York, the do not effect me with as much power.Her ambition is inspiring. She stands tall with brunette locks streaming down her back. She brings a feeling of empowerment with her presence as if she cannot be put down. Rachel is strong headed and is never happy when she is proven wrong, but she does not go down without a fight. Rachel is a force to be reckoned with.

Savannah is just two years younger than Rachel. We call her the carefree one of the group. She is free spirited and rolls with the punches that she is hit with. Savannah does not care if anyone is judging her or trying to knock her down a peg. She does what she wants, anytime she wants. Savannah is always having fun, she can find enjoyment in anything. Growing up I observed she never was really sure of who she was. She was always changing and changing rapidly. When she was in high school she changed the color and length of her hair. Savannah always keeps us on our toes. Another way to describe Savannah would be passionate. Rachel and Savannah shared this quality through the love of competition cheerleading. Growing up I would hate being dragged along to competitions but being able to observe how much they both cared for the sport planted a seed in me. Most of the memories I have of her can relate to her passion in competition cheerleading. Some of the other best memories I have of her are mostly compiled of a dumb comment she made causing everyone to break out in laughter, although it was not her intention. She was always the one to bring up everyone's spirits, I never saw a day where she was genuinely sullen. 

Jessica is only a couple years older than me. We call her the funny one in our house. She is 16, but I beat her in height. She has amazing wit, which fits her personality perfectly. She is aggressive and often over exaggerates. Her hair is a dark brown and goes down the whole length of her back. She is short but she has great power. Although Jess doesn’t care about much about a lot of things, but when she decides to like a certain band or idea she holds out and has an intense love for it. Also although Jess may not show her love directly, we know it is inside her somewhere. She is a hard headed individual, and most of the memories I have with her include her complaining about school and homework. She makes a big deal out of studying and getting her work done but she is one of those people who can not study very hard but ace an exam. She also complains, jokingly, about the life of a middle child, even though she isn’t treated very different in our household.

All three of these girls have impacted who I am as a person. I am considered the athletic on in our family but I believe I am a combination of all three of my amazing sisters. I am ambitious like Rachel, fun-loving like Savannah, and aggressive like Jess. I throw fits about school work and not getting a good grade or not having enough time in the world to get anything done. I also have an amazing passion for the sport of soccer, I hope to succeed in it one day and Savannah is my inspiration because of it. I also have a great love for things and great hate for things. I am aggressively passionate about soccer, but I also loathe small things like Mondays. The feeling of going home to a house full of love is amazing. The four of us are so close knit, we know each other’s every move and every feeling, as though we are connected on a different level. The unconditional love I have for my sisters can consume me and I can feel the love reciprocating. All three of them have definitely made a mark on my existence and I cannot thank them enough for what they have given me. A sister is worth one thousand friends, and I will have these friends for life.

The author's comments:

My sisters inspired this writing piece.

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