A Bright Smile and A Happy Soul | Teen Ink

A Bright Smile and A Happy Soul

September 30, 2016
By haleighwicks BRONZE, Hemet, California
haleighwicks BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coming home from a long day at school and volleyball, I walk in everyday at the same time to find her waiting for me. It’s always been the same, sitting on the couch, staring at the TV as she watches Paw Patrol or Bubble Guppies or Peppa Pig, depending on the day of the week. She acts as if she is actually in the show, speaking along with the characters because she knows every episode by heart, spoiling the entire episode to my brother as he sits on the couch acting as if he is paying attention or even cares. Her bright smile and twinkling eyes are what gets me every time though, and as I walk in the front door it’s as if she gets cuter and cuter every time. “Haleigh, you’re finally home, I missed you so much!” Her voice melts me into a puddle of admiration as I hear her get so excited to see me. She stops her TV shows like they’re not even on and gives me the biggest hug you could ever imagine and more. Her little body is the cutest thing you’ll ever see and her hair is always so messy from playing with her toys all day long and acting like she had the hardest day ever. She always puts me in the best mood, no matter the type of day I’ve had. I could walk in the door crying as hard as ever and just seeing her could put me in such a great mood, I could be with her every second of every day and never get tired of her. And her humor, oh her sense of humor is the funniest thing I’ve ever witnessed. She makes the funniest, cutest, most awkward looking faces you’ve ever seen and her voice when she imitates you is the most annoying, but surprisingly most adorable thing you’ll ever hear. This little girl is my hero, and without her I would be nothing. She is such a bright and happy soul, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. She definitely has the key to my heart and she’s not giving it up any time soon. My little hero knows she is the center of my world, and she occasionally tends to take advantage of it, but I’m not in any way complaining. These days that come where I get to spoil her to death and my parents get mad at me for giving her too much sugar, or getting her a little too hyper before bedtime are the days and the memories that I am going to remember for the rest of my life. My little sister Kendyll is my hero and I honestly can not imagine how my life would be without her bright-eyed, sunshine personality that I look forward to every single day.

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