My Hero is... | Teen Ink

My Hero is...

February 18, 2009
By Erica Jurgensen SILVER, Garretson, South Dakota
Erica Jurgensen SILVER, Garretson, South Dakota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hero is neither black or white, male or female, human or animal, child or adult, big or small, fiction or nonfiction; can you guess who it is? No, that's ok, you know why? Because neither can I, instead its all of them. My hero is anyone or anything that is whiling to get out there and make a difference in someone's life. Whether it's saving someone's life, inspiring someone to do something, or just plain giving someone or something a hug and making them happy, that's my hero. Even the smallest thing can make a difference in someone or something's life, sometimes good sometimes bad, but if that person is at least trying to reach out and help someone or something without succeeding while someone else isn't even trying, that person is my hero. If someone offers a helping hand to someone in need, that person is my hero. And you can be anyone's hero and so can I, all we have to do is reach out and help someone. My question now is you ready to be a hero and make a difference in someone or something's life?

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