My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

February 17, 2009
By Jordan Lindberg SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Jordan Lindberg SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

There are a lot of people that I could say are my heroes or pretend I look up to, but there is only one person in this world that I can say with 100% honesty is my hero. His name is Wyatt, and everything about him says hero to me. Every quality and every attribute about him makes him a hero. The first thing that I notice about Wyatt is the care that he has for everyone around him. He did many service projects as a teenager to better his community, and later in his life he desired to better other's communities. To do this he joined the Peace Corps and went to Zambia, Africa. This became the place of Wyatt's death later after he fell from a window of a building. He not only cared for others, but he treated everyone the same no matter who they were. There were other things about Wyatt that some might say aren't qualities of a hero, but they still inspire me. These things would be his sense of humor, his ability to always look at the brightside of things and never get down, and his never failing ability to make everyone with him happy as ever. There are many more qualities of his that I aspire to achieve, but if I kept going I'd take up the whole magazine. I'm just kidding, but not really. If there was one person that I could be like, without hesitation or question it would be Wyatt.

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