What the Flag Means to Me | Teen Ink

What the Flag Means to Me

November 5, 2015
By a.webs GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
a.webs GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
13 articles 1 photo 0 comments

When my opa (opa is German for grandfather) was 17, he escaped from East Germany in the 1960’s, and came to the United States for the hope the United States flag represented. He came here with his 18-year-old brother, and neither of them spoke English. But that didn’t stop them--they came to the States in hope of freedom and opportunity.
What does the flag represent to us? Red is for the blood of fallen family and friends, for my opa who witnessed many deaths. Blue is for the Atlantic Ocean my opa crossed for freedom, and white is for the small white flag on the boat that signaled that they were innocent. And then the stars--bright yellow beams that says they made it, for the statue of liberty who welcomes foreigners, and for the God my opa believes in (for without religion, he would not have had the strength to leave his family).
Freedom is traveling without borders and no threats of stepping on a landmine or getting shot in the back for running. Freedom is being able to say whatever you want, and vote for your next leader. By coming here, my opa was given all these opportunities and more, which he doesn’t takes for granted. Every Sunday, my opa goes to church to thank God for giving him success.
The flag holds much meaning to my opa and my family, for if he hadn’t made it to America, he never would’ve met my oma (my grandma) and my family would not be here today.
The United States flag is a reminder that we are here and we have rights. The flag hangs in my opa and oma’s front yard, to show we are proud to be in the United States and thankful for the rights it gives us. 

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