Not Just Batman | Teen Ink

Not Just Batman

May 8, 2015
By madds11 SILVER, La Porte City, Iowa
madds11 SILVER, La Porte City, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't you know you're beautiful? Every inch of you. Even your scars, your fears, and your biggest mistakes, because they are all a part of you." -unknown

Heros are just Batman and Superman right? Well not so much. To me my definition of hero is a person that never loses hope in other people. In my mind, Sandy Van Besien fits this definition. Sandy was my nana, she died in 2011. She has made such a big impact on my life in so many ways. She has inspired me to become a better person. My nana is my personal hero because she was strong, determined, and caring.
One heroic trait my Nana showed was strength. Growing up with her around all the time, I saw how much strength she had. Not only as a women, but as a grandmother too. She had to deal with twelve grandkids all the time, and sometimes it was all of being loud or having a meltdown. I remember my cousins and I were screaming. She was getting pretty mad at us, but she found strength to not get upset with all of us. Not only did she have inner strength, she had outer strength as well. She had the strength to cook for forty people without getting overwhelmed. She taught me to show inner and outer strength, and that takes a lot.
Another heroic trait my Nana showed was determination. Ever since I was a little kid, I saw my nana reach so many goals that she had set for her self. One of the things in life she had planned to determine was to provide the best life for her five kids and twelve grandkids, and believe me, she did. One goal she determined to reach everyday was to pray. She always took time out of her day to talk to God, whether it was for thirty seconds or thirty minutes, she did it everyday. She was so determined to give me the best life she could. She definitely did, because now I realize why I never took any time I had with her for granted.
The last of many heroic traits my Nana showed was caring. She was the most absolute caring person I have encountered in my life. She put others before herself all of the time. I remember she came home from work, and she was exhausted, but I had a really bad day, and she took care of me and made me feel better, better than a lot of other people could. Also, she taught me never to judge people, no matter who they were, or what they looked like. I just feel like that is another caring aspect in a person. She knew how to cheer someone up no matter how she was feeling, even if, it was the smallest thing, she always did. She taught me to care for others no matter who they were, and I feel like that is very important in life.
So now you see, my Nana was the most strongest, determined, and caring person I’ve ever encountered in my perfectly imperfect life. She taught me to be a better person, because you should never take life for granted. She has inspired me so much to go after my goals in life, and to never give up on what I work for in life. So now do you think hero’s are just Batman and Superman?

The author's comments:

My nana was the greatest person to me, she was my main cheerleader and never let me down, this my way of saying thank you to her.

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