Heroes: Who Are They? | Teen Ink

Heroes: Who Are They?

April 28, 2015
By Buckeye1 BRONZE, Sugarcreek, Ohio
Buckeye1 BRONZE, Sugarcreek, Ohio
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Favorite Quote:
"Play hard. Have fun." -Dad

     When most people think of a hero, they think bold, strong, and fearless. They think of Spiderman or Captain America. They think of super powers such as telekinesis, invisibility, or time travel. What many people don’t know is that there are heroes around them everyday, ordinary human beings just like them who don’t have super powers and do have fears. Everybody is afraid of something, but a real hero is able to overcome that fear when they are needed.
     The word hero originates from the Greeks, meaning “demi-god, defender and protector.” The Greeks have many legends and myths of Greek heros. The indestructible Achilles was the great Greek hero in the Trojan War. Other Greek heroes include Hercules, who was strong and always beat the odds, Theseus, who prevented people from having to make their children human sacrifices, and Odysseus, who came up with the trojan horse idea. The Latins also have their own definition for hero. They would tell you it means “man of super strength or physical courage.”  One example of a Latin hero includes La Salamanca. She is able to project her body anywhere help is needed for three hours at a time. Though Greeks and Latins describe many of their heroes with great courage and strength, there are many heroes who don’t have these qualities. For example the heroes of 9/11, they were ordinary people who put their fears away for a day but weren’t overly strong or confident like the Greek heroes.
     "Prior to 9/11, America had few heroes. After 9/11, Americans elevated numerous groups to the status of heroes. Among these were firefighters, police officers, and, for a time, mail carriers," wrote Kevin Alexander Boon in "Heroes, Metanarratives and the Paradox of Masculinity in Contemporary Western Culture" (Boyd). The US came alive that day, people buzzing around for information, televisions never resting. The nation’s safety was at risk and everyone was worried. People fled to Ground Zero to help out, not knowing what was coming. The towers collapsed and thousands died, but those who were noble and brave that day will forever be in our hearts as heroes.
     "A man who exhibits extraordinary bravery, firmness, fortitude or greatness of soul, in any course of action, or in connection with any pursuit, work, or enterprise" is a hero (Oxford English Dictionary). Imagine, a house has caught fire and is spreading very fast. The house is almost covered in orange flames. There are people, children, inside screaming for help. Do you run or do you stay? Firefighters don’t even hesitate. They hear the alarm, dress into their uniforms, and race to the burning house as fast as they can. They knock down the front door with one goal, saving the caged in people, never thinking of their own life. Any person who has the bravery to run into a burning building, deserves the title of hero.
    “Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They’ve got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law” (Barack Obama). Police officers help to keep the community safe. They are called in on crime reports and search for murderers and thieves. This can be a life threatening situation too as the criminal may have a gun or other weapons. Police may have to get involved in gang fights which many times involve gunfire and knives. Bravery and assertiveness is very important in these situations. Any person who is willing to take a bullet for someone else deserves the title of hero.
     “Let’s hope that from now on, this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds” (David Tennant). Doctors for example are some of the most ordinary people who can do some of the most miraculous things. They can perform surgeries under a tremendous amount of stress. They went through many years of schooling to educate themselves on the correct way to do a procedure and save millions of lives because of it. Doctors always find a way to remove that tumor that was thought to be impossible. ER doctors especially, don’t have much time to think about the best option, they just have act on their first thought. Many “would-be” deaths after major car accidents have been prevented because of the rapid thinking from doctors. Any person who is able to save someone’s life who is on the point of death deserves the title of hero.
     “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” (Joseph Campbell). There are people out there, right at this second, dying for us, dying for our country, just think about that. The military protects us from the evils of the world. They are fighting for our freedoms and don’t expect anything in return. They are selfless, brave, determined, and honorable. The Air Force protects American interests at home by using air transportation. The Navy defends our traveling and trading rights. The Coast Guard’s job is to defend our waterways. The Army protects US security and resources. The toughest of all are the Marines. In combat situations, they are the first on the ground, and many times, the first to die. Any person fighting for our country and willing to die for us deserves the title of hero.
     As society focuses on the latest celebrity gossip and plasters it all over magazines, remember that these heroes are out there unrecognized. They faces will never be shown on television and names of many fallen soldiers will never be shared. Keep in mind that these are ordinary people that have families that love and miss them. Some return home, others are not so lucky. Courage, loyalty, selflessness, determination, patience, wisdom, and sacrifice make a hero. What do you see in a hero?

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