My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

November 20, 2014
By livbanger BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
livbanger BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She has dealt with me for 16, almost 17 years. I get to see her everyday. She has 2 kids and a lot of stupid things to deal with, but she still makes it through. She has a good job, pays for everything I own, spoils me here and there, provides food and a roof over top of my head. I have clothes, I’m able to be clean and look decent all because of her.

She’s been through so much. I am thankful for her to be a part of my life. I listen and take everything in she tells me. We may argue and disagree on some things, possibly a lot, but I still love her. Even through the roughest times, she’s still here for me.

Through the rough patches we went through during my childhood, trusting people is kind of hard for me. I am very protective over her. Ill do anything for her. She has taught me so much, Without her I would be so clueless in life. I might of not even have an education.

She always told me don’t follow in her footsteps. Prove to me you’ll be ok later in life. I don’t want you to rely on me like I did with my mother. She always told me I can be whatever I want. She encourages me everyday.

My Hero is my Mother. Thank you for everything you been through to keep me alive. Thank you for being there for me. I love you.

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