My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

September 8, 2014
By Allison Pina BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Allison Pina BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As i enter the living room she says ”Why don’t you try, you can do better than this” , while she looks at my grades. While she says this i look into her eyes ,and see what she has done for me. Theres not a day i don’t appreciate what she does for me and my brother. She is hardworking, caring and supportive. She is my mother.


When my mother was young, her and her 2 siblings along with their mother spent their days selling clothes and food that they made. She has always told me stories about her years when she first got to America ,saying “we always had to get up early to make food and get ready to sell it”. Once she was around 25 years old she worked for a small travel agency here in Illinois. She would be gone for almost the whole day ,so my brother and i had our grandma look after us since there was no dad in the picture. My brother and i always asked her why she came home so late and she says “i have to, to put food on the table and to give you a roof to live under” Now knowing that she owns her own business segment of that travel agency shows how hard she has worked.


To this day i would think that my mother has been successful throughout her life in America and so has her siblings. I think that my mother has been a bit more blessed than her brother and sister ,because they have on and off jobs with 3 kids each. My mother never hesitates when they ask her for help. She is always a person that is all for family. If one person in our family is hurt, we all feel their pain, as for my mother she will always check up on them or give them a phone call to make sure they are ok.


My mothers is very supportive of me. She always knows what to say to me and when. My mother tries her best to keep pushing me on objectives I need to get better at. Whenever I have bad grades or bad test grades ,she makes me do late assignments or retests if possible. My mother helps me with my everyday problems.

My mother is my role model. She has been there for me since the beginning, whenever she sees me sad she says “ Que paso mija” and she always cheers me up in the end of the day. This is why my mom is my hero.

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