Mr.Hill - Nomination for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mr.Hill - Nomination for Educator of the Year

April 16, 2013
By qwerty98key BRONZE, Wilmington, Colorado
qwerty98key BRONZE, Wilmington, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher would like to nominate is from my old middle school. His name is Mr. Jerome Hill. He is one the coolest/ funniest, most respectable teacher I can think of. He worked at A.I. Middle School as the 8th grade science teacher. I always had a good time in his class. If I ever was in a bad mood and went to his class, he would always cheer me up.

He is one of those teachers who are really chill about everything. He has always been one of my favorite teachers. Shoot… one of my only favorite teachers, because I don’t have a lot of favorite teachers. If I forgot my homework, he would understand why and give me another day or so. Of course I didn’t like to abuse that ability because if I did, he probably would not let me do that anymore.

When I was in his class, I always got good grades. I always got A’s or B’s. His class was never hard for me. He also would get concerned when my grades were bad.

If I could have his class again, I totally would. His class was the best class I have ever been in. The labs were cool; He was cool, and I never ever disliked his class. Only when there was a substitute in his class would it be boring and un-cool.

This is why Mr. Hill is one of my favorite teachers. I would like to say that not only was he cool, but he did cool things too (skydiving and etc.). I will never forget his class. His class almost made it worth going to that horrible school. I’m sure there are other teachers like him, but he is one of the only I know of.

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