Mom You are My Hero | Teen Ink

Mom You are My Hero

June 6, 2012
By GAGE,E BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
GAGE,E BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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The person who’s always there, the one who supports you through everything and anything and loves you unconditionally no matter what. We all have that ‘one’ person, that hero in our lives the one we look up to, the one we follow for advice and life lessons. For me that hero is my mom. She has the brown hair that falls elegantly over her shoulders, brown eyes of trust and truth with an always genuine smile on her face. She’s the most comforting person I have in the hardest times and I don’t know where I’d be without her. She’s the one I look up to and follow for the advice. She is the most amazing person I know and for that I can’t let her go un-thanked.

“Mom” I couldn’t ask for anyone but you to be that role in my life, your perfectly fit for the job and no one else could ever take your place. Having you there to talk to is cool because your one of my best friends and I wouldn’t give up my relationship with you for anything. The cool thing about it is, is that your younger than most parents and I like that because of that I can connect with you through more things. You’re more interested in things like my age group and that’s cool because we can enjoy doing things together more and that’s something I really appreciate having with you. You’re into technology or movies and shows, or even just current events that are more relevant to our age. It may not seem like a big thing but it’s cool to have that with you. Let alone having a best friend in you you’re also my mom who loves me unconditionally and that’s something I believe I could only ever get from you.

When I say you’re the most comforting person I have I mean that very sincerely. I remember going to the doctors with you when you took me to be checked for diabetes, I didn’t want to but you were watching out for me and saved my life by taking me In that day. We were sitting in the doctor’s office, just nervously waiting for the results of my blood tests. You told me that things probably weren’t going to be good and to expect the worst. I didn’t want to hear that but I know now that it was a huge thing you did for me. And I know that this condition has changed me, but you’ve been there to talk to me about it and help me through my times where I feel so down about it. It’s a big thing to me to have you there to talk to because you help me realize things can still be ok, and it is comforting to have that. You always say “it’s better than dead” and I might just blow it off when you say it because I hate it but I know your right, and I love you for just telling me that over and over because it’s so true.
And I know I’m not always the ideal child, we have arguments, I annoy you, or I don’t do what was asked right away and I know I can be quite a financial burden but you always look past things and continue to support me. I can have the smart comments to say back or just not be interested in what you’re saying, or when I just sit up in my room and ignore you when I’m asked to do something. I know that gets on your nerves and you don’t want to put up with me when I do that, but you always do and I look back on moments like that now and realize how cool you were about it. I love that about you and that’s where you’re the best, you always look out for and help me and riley with your best intentions. You always try your best to keep us from making mistakes that you’ve seen through your own experiences. And I’ve got to say you one quite a job so far.

You’ve started me out on a good track for life and I plan to continue to follow it, you’ve raised me by learning from your mistakes and making your triumphs. I love to talk to you about the past, you told me about how you always did your best to keep me happy and for us to have a good home life, that’s a debt I’ll never be able to fully repay to you. But I want you to know how much I love you and really appreciate you. I only hope I’ll be able to take the great qualities and things you’ve taught me and apply them into my own life in the everyday situations and for when I become a parent too.

You’ve been and continue to be an amazing mom, one I couldn’t ever replace or find someone better to be. I don’t know how I would have made it this far without you, you are a hero to me and I needed to write this for you to know how much I look up to you and how much you mean to me.

The life lessons you’ve taught me and the patience for others are things I will always take with me, I just hope that someday I am able to take the best qualities I’ve learned from you and apply them to myself to be as awesome as you are.

I love you mom thanks for everything.

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