My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

May 3, 2012
By Anonymous

Hero, a four letter word often defined as a person which posses a great sum of courage and strength. Though this is such a simple definition it includes many kinds of people such as your regular flying super hero type but I can think of one who has shown great courage and strength and is neither. This person would by my mom.

My mom, Sally, was diagnosed with pancreatic and spleen cancer in late fall of last year and was given a very short time to live by the many doctors she saw at the time. She was told by the doctors that the future would be dark and not very promising but she would stay positive and joyful throughout the whole time. She would have to have her whole spleen removed and a large portion of her pancreas, both of which are very serious organs and are often overlooked by many. My mom was very brave and kept fighting it the whole time for us and overcame it. Fast forward a few months down the road as everything is seeming to recover and slowly get back to the as close to normal as it could be. We received the news, the diagnosis of lung cancer. What made it worse was she did nothing to cause this to herself, she had never smoked or anything that would cause the problem. Many doctors visits later and removal of a portion of her left lung she is still here fighting for us.

A hero possess great bravery just as she did throughout this whole time, never giving up or doubting. She’d always stay cheerful and positive being such an encouragement to everyone around her impacting so many people’s live in such a positive manner. She remained the same person she always was, putting others before her and giving her everything so that she would be here for brother, sister, dad, and myself. She meets my definition of a hero always fighting and being so selfless. I can rest assured that whatever comes next that she will overcome it and conquer it. I hope to be like my mom, my hero.

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