Dad & Me | Teen Ink

Dad & Me

May 2, 2011
By Anonymous

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain. One of the many valuable lessons I’ve learned is to love what you have and make the best of any situation. My dad not only taught me this life lesson, he put it into action. He has changed my point of view on a lot of things and I look up to him no matter what.

There are many scenarios where my dad tells me to love what I have, but one sticks out in my mind. We were walking the beautiful, lit up streets of the city. There were so many bright colors around us and I saw them all reflect back onto me through my dad’s shiny eyes. On our way to dinner we saw some unfortunate people leaning against a beat up building on the dirty city ground. Without even having to take a second look at them, I knew they would give anything for a life like mine. My dad reminded me how lucky I am to have everything I have now. He opened my eyes and taught me how to make the best of what I have. I learned to stop wanting more and realized I don’t need more.

Another lesson I am thankful for being taught is to stick up for myself and stand my ground. My dad always said to fight for yourself and never let anyone hurt you in any way. We’ve seen so many movies together and every time while staring at the moving people on the big screen, he reminds me to never let anyone take control of me. He wouldn’t want anything to happen to me and gave me the responsibility of taking care of myself. This shows how caring and concerned my dad is about me. Not only is he caring, he’s a hardworking, trustworthy, father who will go out of his way for his loved ones.

My father has influenced me in the most positive ways possible. I really hope to become like him in my future. Thank you dad, for guiding me down the right path in life and telling me right from wrong. Thank you for showing me nothing’s impossible and you can do you anything if you put your mind to it. You make me feel so confident in everything I do and show me every day how to learn from my mistakes.

My dad is my superman and I am his princess. We will always have a strong relationship and share many memories together. I’m lucky to have such a great father who I know will always be by my side, even at the worst of times. I would never take him for granted and will always remember what he taught me in life. I’ll pass all of this down to my kids and make sure they pass it on to theirs. These lessons will forever remain apart of our family and will never be forgotten. He has opened up my heart and my eyes forever.

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This article has 1 comment.

lexyt BRONZE said...
on Oct. 10 2011 at 10:19 am
lexyt BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
i really really like this article i think its amazing and you no how to do alot of detials(: