Sickness is her best | Teen Ink

Sickness is her best

May 25, 2010
By ZombieDanceWithMe SILVER, Rockford, Illinois
ZombieDanceWithMe SILVER, Rockford, Illinois
7 articles 1 photo 98 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To die is nothing; but it is terrible not to live”

-Victor Hugo

I never knew her as I with I did. I never got to meet the real her, just the sick one.
She has alwayse had a sence of humor, and a way to make me smile. She has alwayse been there for not only me but my closest friends aswel. She has always been loved by so many people and full of personality, but she has always been different.
When I was five years old my mother was diagnosed with Scleroderma, an autoamune disease. Scleroderma litteraly means "hard skin." What it does is slowly harden your organs. If it reaches anything vital, chances are you wont live. There is no cure, it makes you feel horrible everyday, like your coming down with the flu. Worst of all, I have never known her a day without being tired or hurting.
We cant go out to shop for more than two hours or so because she just hurts everywere. But everyday she wakes up, gets ready, drives me to school, makes breakfast, takes care of our two cats, does the shopping, and raises a teenage girl on her own. She takes care for two people with a horrible disease, and most days, she does it with a smile.
This woman is a true hero for so many reasons. Her bravery, for leaving her husband and raising her daughter on her own with not only this disease but two others (which she was just reccently diagnosed with), for wakeing up every morning happy, for taking care of not only my problems and hers but my friends, our famly, my dads family, her friends, and whoever else comes to her in need of help.
This woman is a true hero, who I never got ot meet at her best. Unless, sickness is her best. I love you mom.

The author's comments:
my mother was diagnosed with Scleroderma in 2002. Two years later she got a divorce and raised me. Recently, with Fibromialga and Rheumatoid Artheritis, she lost her job because she was unable to work. She still raises me and continues to be a best friend to many, many people. This isn't even everything I have to say, Just all that i can say that makes sence.

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