My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

March 15, 2010
By Courtney Zotos BRONZE, Culver, Indiana
Courtney Zotos BRONZE, Culver, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout my life I have met many different people. A lot of those people have had a major impact on my life, but none compare to the amount my brother has influenced my life. Without him, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. My life would be much different, and it would probably be for the worse. He has taught me many different lessons, and been there for me through everything, no matter what it was and I can’t thank him enough.

When I was five years old I began playing hockey, the sport that has consumed about 85% of my life. However, this sport probably wouldn’t be a part of my life if it weren’t for my brother, Jordan. When he was three years old he decided he wanted to play hockey. My mom told him that she would take him to skating classes and that when he was five, if he still wanted to play she would let him. When his fifth birthday rolled around, he sure didn’t forget the words that came out of her mouth. He began playing hockey on a team, and being the little tag-along sister that I was, I wanted to be just like him. When I turned five, my mom let me start playing too. From that point on, a sport started controlling my life. When I was ten years old, I didn’t know if I wanted to play anymore. I was starting to get tired of it and it just didn’t hold my interest as much anymore. When my brother found out this information he questioned my decision. He pushed me to keep playing, and it was probably one of the best things anyone has ever done for me. If it weren’t for hockey, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would have never come to Culver and my life would be completely different.

Throughout the years we’ve had family problems and they resulted in my parents getting divorced. No matter what happened, I always knew my brother would be there for me. Still to this day when we get mad at either parent or even when there’s something we can’t tell our parents, the other is always there to talk. He is probably my best friend and I know no matter what I tell him he will never get mad at me and he will always take my side.

The saying “nobody’s perfect” is a perfect description of my brother. He is probably one of the best kids you will ever meet. He’s always gotten good grades, he is very respectful, and everybody who knows him seems to love him. Over the past couple of years he has made a few mistakes, just like any ordinary kid, but unfortunately he’s gotten in a lot of trouble for some of them. I, along with everybody who knows him, still believe he is a great kid. Fortunately, being the younger sister I have learned from the mistakes he has made. His actions have taught me to not make stupid mistakes. They have made me stronger. I personally believe growing up in a family who is not nearly perfect and having a brother who has made mistakes I can learn from has been very rewarding.

My brother has influenced me in many ways growing up, and I am thankful to have a brother like him in my life. I know I can trust him with everything and without him I wouldn’t be the same person I am today.

The author's comments:
We were told to write about somebody who has influenced our life the most, and i chose my brother.

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