What do i call a hero? | Teen Ink

What do i call a hero?

November 24, 2009
By Darryl BRONZE, Kent, Washington
Darryl BRONZE, Kent, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out of all of my heroes it would have to be my dad. I know your thinking “oh, it is just his dad” well my dad is a hero mentor and role model and just about anything else you can think of. My dad helps with homework and preparing me for football mentally and physically. He takes me out to practice drills, plays and pushes me to my full potential. He buys me materials necessary for football, provides my family and I a roof over our head and the food we have. That’s what I call a hero.

One of the most difficult things for me is my grades. It is a challenge to keep them up, but my dad is always there to help me if my grades slipped or dropped. If he finds out I have a missing assignment, the next day I would have that assignment completed and turned in, ready to be graded. My grades would probably be terrible if he did not constantly tell me of areas where I can improve on.

Football, football, football. Football is a really hard sport to play. You have to learn how to tackle and run the ball. By doing so you have to practice and practice until it is perfect, my dad has a thing called “The Training Field.” All that is, is an elementary school with a gigantic field, that my dad takes me to practice drills on. When we get there my dad sets up cones along with many other training equipment and we work out together. He also has another training facility located in the Parker household, The Garage. In this garage, we lift weights to become stronger and to work on conditioning. Now that is what I call a hero.

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