My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

November 12, 2009
By effinU BRONZE, Kent, Wyoming
effinU BRONZE, Kent, Wyoming
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In the last three years Zach my now brother-in-law has helped me and others through the thick and the thin in there life. Three years ago there was a new person who ended up being part of my life, which is because that was when my sister Kelsey married my now, Brother-in-law “Zach”. The first several months of them being together married was rough with me because I never saw my sister not once during that time, because of that I became infuriated with Zach thinking he did it deliberately just to make me feel extremely crazed, because well Zach and I have problems with getting along with each other. But as time went by I started to learn more about him and appreciating him and in turn he started appreciate my family especially me. That was when I realized that I admire him and look up to being just like him.

When we both started to associate together we both became more comfortable with each other. So we both became more inclined to help each other if one of us asked for help from each other. And if I had a question I wouldn’t hold back from asking him. Practically about anything I would ask him, he would answer it to the best of his knowledge and not ignore what I said. Such as if I had a question about four wheeling or anything else he would answer it and not ignore what I asked. Or another time I needed help on assembling my dirt bike back together, so he came over and helped me for several hours putting my bike all back together. But what really stood out about him was of how generous he was not only to me but to anyone and everyone who he knows. On one occasion I was talking about how I needed to get something but I didn’t have any money to get it yet. The next day he took the initiative and went out and bought it for me as a gift and I thought it was actually pretty cool how he did that for me. Because not a whole lot of people would actually do that for other people.

Never the less Zach is very concerning of me; he always wants to incorporate me into what he’s doing or wants to do. Such as if he wants to hang out with me at my or his house and just do whatever we feel like which fun to do. It gets sometimes annoying because he calls me or texts almost every day to see if I want do something, like for the last month Zach and I have been dirt biking every Saturday which is fun to do with him. But if I feel kind of down from having a bad day at school or anything else he tries to get me back up or make me feel good about my day again.

Zach is also a very patient with me and other people which not very many people are now a days. If someone wants you to do something one way but you end up doing it another way people can get very upset and frustrated with you but Zach is totally the opposite. One example is when he came over while I was working on my bike and when we were putting it back together he suggested that I should do it one way but I rebelled and decided to do it my way and he really didn’t care or get upset about it. But after I was all done I realized that I probably should have done it his way because it would have taken a lot less time and would have been less confusing for me.

In theses times people are very impatient. As well as being very selfish about money, material possessions and them selves. Just going out to the store those kinds of people are every where. And people who aren’t patient or selfish think that it is very odd to be like Zach. So that is why Zach L. is my hero to me because he is different from a lot of other people in this world by being kind and selfless, loving and patient.

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