Qualities of a Hero | Teen Ink

Qualities of a Hero

May 18, 2009
By Connor McGannon BRONZE, Shawnee Mission, Kansas
Connor McGannon BRONZE, Shawnee Mission, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A hero is a person who stands out, who is noticed for what they have done. Martin Luther Kings Jr. was a hero to all the people against racism. A personal hero also obtains qualities that one aspires to have. A hero could be anyone, from President Obama, to an older brother, older sister, or friend. A hero must show that they are different from the rest and have something in them that is uncommon for must.

An attribute that hero may have is inspiration. Inspiration could come from anyone a speaker could inspire a large could and teacher could inspire a class. Inspiration is what heroes need to do if they want to lead others in what they are trying to do and what they want done. When inspiration is given a sense of courage is passed put and people want to follow the leader.

Another characteristic a person such as a hero might have is dedication. Anybody who us dedicated is committed to what they think is right, they will give everything they have to change one thing or another. A person who is devoted is often hard to come by, this person will always be working towards what is better. Dedication is what drives heroes and heroines to finish something that they have started. A dedicated hero will be the one who will never lose, never go done without a fight, and will always finish. Dedication isn’t falling short it is when one reaches for full potential and thrives on what one is best at.

One of the most important factors in being a hero is generosity, or kindness. No one will look up to someone who doesn’t care for anyone, except themselves. Average people want someone who is always helps another person, out of pure generosity. Also, a hero should be selfless, caring for others. A selfish hero won’t be a hero to anyone but themselves. Kindness and selflessness will win over people, almost everywhere.

A hero many people could look up to is Joe Kessinger, this man is a inspiration and a well rounded gentleman. Passing time with Mr. Kessinger is simply a breeze. Kessinger always has a funny joke or story to share with is. Joe Kessinger will not be the next president, but sure is smart, caring, and overall generous.
In conclusion, anyone walking on the face of this planet could be or will turn into a hero at some point. Some heroes are looked up to by millions others are heroes to just a few people. A hero is a hero and attributes such as these can make a hero. A hero with qualities relating will be loved by many and hated by few.

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