Ressurection of the Dream | Teen Ink

Ressurection of the Dream

May 5, 2009
By Eric Fields BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Eric Fields BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

IMAGINE: It is a hot Monday afternoon, the little ones are all along the stoops frolicking and engaging in all sorts of mischief, just as children do. The older children have run down to the quarry to skip rocks. The widows’ are all mourning and reminiscing. Two black men read and exchange articles in the distance, while the other men are singing the blues in the fields’ afar. Brother and Sister (young in age) are sent to the market, but they travel the bush to avoid the roads. They reach the market and service is out front but they pursue the rear. What is significant about this picture? It is a scene before or without Dr. King if is it a Monday afternoon, then why aren’t the children in school being taught? Dr. King fought for public school segregation. Why are the women mourning? Why are the women widows’? Their husbands are either dead or missing, which happened very frequently but gradually ceased after Dr. King’s coming. What of the two men exchanging articles? It symbolizes he shortage of literate black men before Dr. King. The young brother and sister who travel the woods instead of the roads, shows how cautious blacks were, because taking the road along meant trouble for any black especially young children. When the children reach the market and the front door is rite ahead of them they instead go through the rear, this was required of all blacks. Martin Luther King contributed to all of these things; he is in his own way our savior. Many people argue that Dr. King is overrated. They proclaim that if not Martin Luther King, it would’ve only been a matter of time before someone came along and accomplished the same as he did. I interject, although this may be true, can we as a race and as a people afford that kind of delay. I for one don’t think so, judging from where we stand today we are behind and desperately in need of guidance. Not just any miscellaneous guidance, but that of a leader, a king, Dr. King. This man is a legend, proof that one man can change the world, he motivates millions and has captured the hearts of billions, myself included. Dr. Martin Luther King J. influenced and inspired many of the greats’ of his time and here after. Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Rosa Parks, and Lisa Williamson are all supporters and contributors to Dr. King’s cause. Dr. King’s influence is still in full effect today. Inspiring leaders of today such as Barack Obama . Obama is now the 44th president of the united states, and the first African American ever to become president, no doubt this could’ve never been accomplished without Dr. King’s advances. I believe that history is repeating itself. Our most eminent leader of the past has influenced our most eminent leader of the present, and with time they will become two of the same. I derived this theory from basic comparison in categories of Intelligence, principals, poise, endeavor, moral fiber, intentions, public’s interest, and accomplishments. Both men are similar in each category, though Barack Obama’s legacy will be determined strictly upon his actions throughout his presidency. Dr. King prepared us for a revolution, and then he led us to it. It has been so long since Martin’s untimely death that we as a people have lost focus we have forgotten his dream. If you don’t know what you are working for and how to get it, then how will you know it. Luckily Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. resurrected his message and visions in another shape and form, he whom we know as Obama. We lost our faith when we lost our leader, yet another powerful leader has come so lets finish what he started.

The author's comments:
I was thinking about everything wih the election and I made several connections that a certain ca

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