Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By pizzamandan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
pizzamandan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

I imagine you’re tired of hearing the same five words every time someone learns you’re a veteran. The more people say it, the less meaningful it seems to be. The truth is, not every American has the bravery and courage to go overseas and fight with their brothers, cousins, and friends for a cause greater than themselves. That is why I wholeheartedly must show my gratitude and say thank you and welcome home.

I am Daniel, writing you as a high school senior after recently watching the Honor Flight movie. Almost 18, I am nearing the age where many veterans first entered their service by choice or by draft. That is hard for me to wrap my head around because at such a young age you went and fought for our country so generations like mine can choose what career path they'd like to pursue. Seeing pictures of the conditions veterans had to live/fight in makes me appreciate your service and sacrifice even greater. It’s an honorable thing to serve for your country, especially at a such a young age and I admire veterans sent away to those conditions as a teenager.

I have had the pleasure to visit the war memorials in DC. They gave me a new respect and appreciation for you and everything you’ve fought to protect. Standing at the monuments, the intensity and addrimiration paralyzed me. After watching the Honor Flight video, I now understand how much these flights mean to you and the rest of the veterans with you. Seeing the joy and appreciation on all of the veterans faces is like watching young children opening gifts on Christmas morning and I’m glad my letter gets to be a part of your journey home. Many members of my family have served in the military and I hope they get to experience the honor flight as well.

I hope your landing back home is a safe and enjoyable one. Welcome home. Thank you for fighting for our beautiful country.  




Daniel J.

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