Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By ergwisco GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ergwisco GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Welcome Home! I hope your trip to Washington D.C was wonderful. Recently I watched the Honor Flight video and think it is an incredible experience for War Veterans to be a part of, and now I am truly honored I get to have a little part in it as well by writing this letter. Two of my cousins served in the military and I know how much they would appreciate the opportunity to go and visit the Memorials in Washington D.C with other fellow veterans.

I am currently a senior in high school, and plan on heading to college this upcoming fall. It amazes me that around the same time you decided to serve our country instead of possibly going off to college or starting a career. The thought of going off to fight in war right now is terrifying to me, but you underwent a brave and courageous act that many people would not be willing to do especially at such a young age, so thank you!

It is hard to imagine what you must have seen and gone through, and then to come home and not be appreciated the way you should be. However, now I hope your experience has been better because I know I appreciate the service that you have done for this country and many others do as well. I sincerely hope this Welcome Home was better than any other one you have received in the past.

I have had the opportunity to visit some of the Memorials in Washington D.C, including the Vietnam Veteran Memorial. I was astonished to see how many honorable men fought for our country during that war, and it blew me away to see how many names were on the wall. Walking through that Memorial really took me back and made me think of how difficult it must have been for you to leave your home and leave your country to go out and fight and possibly lose your life.

Your service has given me the chance to live my best life in this country and allowed me to experience things you may not have had the chance to do. I would definitely call you a hero because you are a person who is admired for your noble qualities and the great impact you have made on this country. I am thankful everyday for your service, and think it is awesome that it gets recognized through the Honor Flight.




The author's comments:

I wrote this letter to a veteran who is going on an upcoming Honor Flight. 

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