Mrs Berger EOY | Teen Ink

Mrs Berger EOY

June 5, 2018
By Zackmorris BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
Zackmorris BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a boring science teacher? Of course you have. Everyone has had a boring science teacher at some point, but Mrs. Stephanie Berger is far from boring. She set the standards for how a science class should function. She helped everyone to understand the information and made learning in her class enjoyable to all. From the notes to doing dissections, every assignment had a fun and interesting twist.

The first thing that stood out about Mrs. Berger was how she always made sure everyone fully grasped the concepts. If you were struggling with a concept, she would get you extra materials to help you to better understand. She would never move onto a new topic until everyone fully understood what we were covering. In addition, in class we would watch videos pertaining to what we were covering in the class, giving everyone real life examples of the current topic. She would always have the class do multiple different review games, to ensure everyone was prepared for a topic. If she noticed a good portion of the class was struggling with a specific topic, she would cover the topic again and help us to completely grasp it.

The next amazing quality about Mrs. Berger is the interactive learning that took place within her class. When we were covering a very hard topic, she would provide us with packets and websites for us to go to, so we could do learning on the computer. In addition, if we were studying a topic like sexual reproduction, she would show us plants that reproduce asexually. The purpose of her showing us the plants was so we didn’t have to try and learn from the book and we could see a real-life example. When my class was studying rock structures, or anything pertaining to nature, she would take the class outside and make us find examples of what we were covering. This form of learning made the class much more fun that it would’ve been if we had to listen to a lecture. Also, we would watch films in class, but when a key concept came up, our class would have to describe what it was and give a brief description of what affects.

 Lastly, the one of the most important parts of any class is the workload. In Mrs. Berger’s class, the workload was never overbearing. She provided us with just the right amount to make sure we understood it, but she didn’t give us so much that we would be doing the assignment for hours. Even though she didn’t give us an extreme amount of take home work, she would assign us projects and power points to do in class, providing us enough time to complete most of the assignment and finish it after school. When it came time to take tests, she would give us a sheet that listed the topics being covered on the assignments. This list helped to save many people, including myself, a lot of study time.

In conclusion, Mrs. Berger made science class the highlight of my school day. I always looked forward to walking into her class and seeing her with a big smile on her face, ready to teach the class. Even if she was having a bad day, she would always try to make a joke or make somebody smile so they didn’t have a negative day. She always challenged me to be the best I could be and always made me work harder which helped to make me as successful as I am now. Mrs. Berger is the perfect example of how teachers should be running their classes and treating students. For all of these reasons and many more Mrs. Stephanie Berger is my pick for Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year.

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This article has 1 comment.

doglvr727 said...
on Jul. 31 2018 at 12:55 pm
doglvr727, Hockessin, Delaware
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Mrs.Berger was a wonderful teacher!