Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

May 8, 2018
By 9loganm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9loganm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout ninth and 10th grade, I had trouble with Spanish. There were certain parts that I would understand, but the majority of the lessons I didn’t get.

At the beginning of high school, I knew that having Spanish skills would be important for colleges to see, but I still had trouble with it. Then junior year came, and I knew it was the most important year in high school because it is around when we start to apply for colleges. I knew that Spanish class at Arrowhead would be one of my harder classes, but Mrs. Coraggio was helpful. Mrs. Coraggio taught my Spanish III class my first semester.

Her class was different from all of my other Spanish classes. She was always super happy and she put the whole class in a good mood, even when she was teaching a subject that can be difficult. If things didn’t go as she wanted them to, she would smile and talk with the students in her class. This showed me that teachers don’t just want to teach education, but they want to make kids happy and excited to learn.

Mrs. Coraggio always was excited to teach Spanish like Spanish was her passion, and she was willing to help me and other students if they were having trouble. I will admit, I had trouble with some lessons, but she made it fun and I did end up understanding most of the material.

There would be times when she would have us all dance as a class with a disco ball and music. I thought that was great, and instead of being just a teacher, she made class fun and enjoyable. Also, she had us play games so we could better understand the lesson that she was teaching, and I think that really helped me.

I have had some classes where teachers don’t seem enthusiastic to help students. If I were to ask for help, some may seem kind of annoyed by it. But Mrs. Coraggio always seemed happy and like she wanted to make sure I understood what she was teaching us. She was so good at explaining things too.

Overall, Mrs. Coraggio is easy-going, supportive, and generous. She is a teacher that everyone deserves to have, especially for Spanish. She is somebody who would never give up on a student, and she would do whatever it takes to make sure a student understands things, and at the same time, has a fun time in class.

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