Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 17, 2018
By madisonmccullagh BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
madisonmccullagh BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I first met Ms. Ahrens, I knew that she would have a major influence on my middle school years. Ms. Ahrens and I had an instant connection. She was an excellent role model and deserves to be Educator of the Year. For example, Ms. Ahrens was my number one consultant when I had any type of problem in my life. She knew how to change a negative into a positive, and she would support and guide me through difficult situations. In addition to all these great things, she was an awesome PE/health teacher, field hockey and softball coach.

Every morning before school started, I would go down to her room. The conversation would never cease to be boring. From Field Hockey plays to the new life events, she was always a trusty pair of ears. Ms. Ahrens always knew what advice to say in the face of any challenge or problem I had. She would brighten my day before it even started. I always dreaded the sound of the bell telling us to be in class.

Ms. Ahrens was an excellent health/PE teacher. Even if someone didn’t like gym or health, she could find a way to relate to them, make everyone feel comfortable, and push everyone to be their greatest, in their own ways. She knew how to connect the girly girls, the geeks, the athletes, and the rough girls into one whole group. There were no labels in her class; we were all just one group in one great discussion. Our class discussions always helped with real-life problems. She wasn't the teacher to use the textbook; she was the type to teach you things that will actually come in handy when dealing with real issues. Ms. Ahrens would use what she had learned, and what she had wished she had learned in her life, and she passed it down to us. This quality made her one of the best teachers and relatable teachers I have ever had.

My favorite part of the school day was going to practice, and I thank Ms. Ahrens for that!  She consistently had us working, but it was never too much that I would dislike it. Although some days weren’t as fun as others, she always knew how to shake things up and make practice fun. She made sure that our connection as a team was strong and that we could all trust each other. Ms. Ahrens loved to win, but to her, it wasn't just about winning; it was about knowing that you gave it 110% during that game and that you can leave thinking you did everything you could. 

In conclusion, I believe Ms. Ahrens should be Educator of the Year. She is an all around stupendous person, teacher, and coach. If it wasn’t for our early morning talks, health class discussions, and after school practices, I would not be the person I am today. So, thank you Ms. Ahrens for being a phenomenal mentor to me; you’ll always be my Educator of the Year.

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