Mrs. White, Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. White, Educator of the Year

January 12, 2018

Mrs. White, Educator of the Year

Going into high school, the class I was most nervous for was Spanish. I had never taken a class or even attempted to learn a new language before. I didn’t know what to expect, but as soon as I walked in the door of Mrs. White’s classroom, I knew I had nothing to worry about. Mrs. White was incredibly nice and welcoming, assuring us that she would be there if we ever needed anything. I found this to be true as the school year really got going, which is why I nominate her for Educator of the Year.
Mrs. White tries to make sure we really understand the material. She answers every question we have and stays after school as much as she can for extra help. We go over each new subject a lot, so it comes easy to us when we come back to it. If we get something wrong on a test, quiz, or even classwork, she goes over it with us to assure that we understand where we went wrong and why the actual answer is right. This helps me to fully learn the material and hold on to that information after the test.
Her unique teaching style makes the lessons fun and always keeps me alert during class. My class is definitely on the smaller side, about 16 people. Mrs. White uses this to our advantage, engaging us with fun music and games that help us study as long as we work hard. This strategy keeps us calm and focused in class until we can have fun after the work is done. Her style is definitely one of the biggest reasons I am succeeding in Spanish class.
Outside of the classroom, Mrs. White is involved in other activities. She was the head coach for the girls’ field hockey team at DMA for 5 years. Her good leadership in class most definitely carried over to the hockey field. She has also been involved in the Delaware New Teacher Mentoring Program, a program that helps new teachers become acclimated with the new environment for the first few years of their career. She is an amazing teacher and role model for people of all ages.
Overall, Mrs. White has impacted my school experience tremendously. She helped me become comfortable with the high school setting and has made my first semester a great one. Without her, I probably wouldn’t look forward to school and have as much fun as I do now. She truly deserves to be Educator of the Year.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 19 2018 at 1:35 pm
ReillyAnnable BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Good job Michalea! I love it