Ms. Rogers: Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Ms. Rogers: Educator of the Year

January 17, 2018
By Noahw BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Noahw BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
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I’ve had many good teachers in my life, but the best one was my sixth grade English teacher, Ms. Rogers.  She now teaches Social Studies at Skyline Middle School.  I never enjoyed English class, but she taught it in a way that made me love it.  Her class was fun, and she made me a lot better at English.  Everybody was excited the moment they stepped into her classroom, looking forward to what we would learn that day.  I’m very glad that Ms. Rogers was my English teacher.


There are not many teachers who focus on what each student is having trouble with, but Ms. Rogers did.  Most teachers don’t pay enough attention to what each student is struggling with, or they go through the lesson too fast for students to understand.  Ms. Rogers was always available for extra help if we needed it, and she taught the lesson slow enough so that every student understood.  She told us that if we had any questions, we could come straight to her.  Ms. Rogers always made sure that nobody was having trouble with what we were learning.


Ms. Rogers class was definitely the most fun for me and a lot of my friends.  Instead of taking notes and doing worksheets all day, we did a lot of fun activities, like Kahoot.  And even though the activities were fun, they also helped the class a lot.  In most classes, we would just sit at our desks all class taking notes and doing boring assignments.  Her class was always nice to have in the middle of the school day because I didn’t really enjoy my other classes.  She taught in a way that made class exciting, and all the students always had fun.  Everybody had a great time in class, but Ms. Rogers always made sure that everybody got their work done.


Another reason why I think Ms. Rogers is the best teacher, is that she cares about all of her students.  She let us know that we could come to her if anything was wrong.  If one of the students was looking upset, she asked if they needed to talk, and she made sure everything was okay.  Everyone felt comfortable to talk to Ms. Rogers because we knew she would listen to us.  She worked hard to help every student do the best they could, and she wanted us to enjoy her class. And the thing she cared about the most was making her students better at English.  I have never had a teacher that cares about their students as much as Ms. Rogers does.


In conclusion, Ms. Rogers is my favorite teacher because she focuses on what each student is having trouble with, she makes learning fun, and she really cares about her students.  My little sister goes to Skyline now, and she thinks that Ms. Rogers is a great teacher too.  English in other classes was really boring for me, but in Ms. Rogers class it was fun and exciting.  She also made me understand English better because I was excited to learn in her class.  I’m thankful to have had Ms. Rogers as my English teacher.  She is my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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