Mrs.Foxwell | Teen Ink


April 5, 2017
By savannah.heaney BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
savannah.heaney BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From the first day I walked into Mrs. Foxwell’s classroom at Brandywine Springs, which was in 6th grade, I knew she was going to be that one teacher who was going to teach me so much. She was just so happy and was full of so much energy, she could make anyone’s bad day turn to a good one in just that hour you were with her. She was telling us all these stories about herself that were mournful, amusing, and spooky; it made us feel like we knew her our whole lives. She also had the class play a game where we had to stand in a line and she would tell the first person a story and then we would have to pass it down. By the time it got down to the end of the line, it was something completely different, and it was just so much fun. By the end of that first day I couldn't wait to have her for the next three years.

Mrs. Foxwell was not only a hardworking teacher; she was also a hardworking mom and wife. She is always saying how proud she is of her kids and how thankful she is of how her mother taught her how to be the person she is now. Mrs. Foxwell would make us, feel like we were her own kids, and she never had her favorites; we all got treated the same. At one point Mrs. Foxwell was really struggling to keep up with her house, so she told us she had to keep telling her kids to turn the lights off as much as they could so she could save some money. I adore Mrs.Foxwell because she did everything she had to, to make sure her kids were safe, and she eventually got a better job and was able to pay for things without struggling. She is just so unbelievable, and no one could be so impeccable.

Before Mrs. Foxwell became a teacher, she was an entrepreneur; she and her husband have their own business, and she said that it does very well. She taught us how to be an entrepreneur so that we could one day have our own business. In 7th grade we had to come up with our own business, and it was so much fun. Then after we made our business we had to advertise it to people to try to get people to come to our company. This project was so helpful, and she really helped me understand the stress about having our own business because it's not something that can just happen right away. She taught me that I have to work for things and never give up. She would always say “just do it” to motivate us to just get things done; it really did help and now I say it to myself every time I have to get something done.

    In 8th grade it was my last year having her and this year we were going to learn how to get a job. She had us get prepared for a job interview from real business people. This project was so stressful and scary, but it was also entertaining because I was learning so much about how to act and dress during an interview. The year was ending and we were all done our projects. I was going to be in high school next year, and I knew I was never going to have a teacher like her again; and it was very sorrowful to say goodbye. She was writing a book for other teachers so she could help them teach the same way and same things that she was teaching, but no one will ever be as marvelous as Mrs. Foxwell.

I definitely think that she deserves the educator of the year award because she really did earn it. No one works so hard as she does and no one has been through all of the things she has but she still ends up never having  a bad day. She is the most positive person, and I couldn't have asked for anyone else to be my teacher for the 3 years that I had her. If you were to ask all of the kids that she has over the years that she taught, they would all say that there's no one as good as Mrs. Foxwell. Her kids and her family are so lucky to have her part of their lives because she brings so much positivity to the world and that's why she should get this award.

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