My 8th grade PE Teacher Mr. Shin | Teen Ink

My 8th grade PE Teacher Mr. Shin

April 5, 2017
By CharlesSchwing BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
CharlesSchwing BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think the Educator of the Year title should go to my 8th grade PE teacher, Mr. Shin. Mr. Shin was one of the most amazing teachers I ever had. He was trustworthy, honest, humorous, and he was one of the most amazing teachers I’ve ever had.
Mr. Shin is the teacher that I trust the most. He always knew when I was upset, and he would come over and talk to me, and something about him always made me happy. Whenever I was having problems, I told him about it, and he was one of the few people I felt like I could trust telling, and he always tried to figure out solutions with me; he made sure I was feeling better. When we talked, he made it like all my problems were gone; and I didn’t need to carry all of it on my shoulders.
    He always made PE way more enjoyable than before. We did the same thing in PE for two years, just each year it was in a different order, until he decided to change up the games that we played, and it was a lot more fun. He always made sure that we showed good sportsmanship, and he pushed us to do the best we possibly could. Also, he made sure we never gave up; he would get us to keep going. He was one of the only teachers to push me farther and harder to keep going for what I want.
    He always cared a lot about the students. Whenever someone got hit or fell down pretty bad, he would make sure that they were fine, and if they weren’t, he would let them go to the nurse or sit in the bleachers. Also, he always made sure we didn’t do anything that was going to get us in trouble. Another thing is, if a student was having problems, he would always try talking to them to make them feel better, no matter who it was.
    If anyone deserves the Educator of the Year title, it should be Mr. Shin. He helped me so much, and made 8th grade so much better and easier. Thank you Mr. Shin for everything you did for me in middle school; you are my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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