Teacher Letter | Teen Ink

Teacher Letter

March 9, 2017
By LuliaW. BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
LuliaW. BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mr. Albandia,

First of all, thank you. What you taught me about life and reaching out to others makes leaving hard. You inspire me to stay determined and work for what I want no matter what. Thank you for pushing me to shoot for what I feel hesitant about, because it shaped me into a better person. Also, you consider different sides of an argument and refrain from jumping to conclusions. By staying levelheaded and strategic, you make problem solving look easy. You push me to stay mature and open minded throughout my life. Let us not forget about how you think of people less fortunate and respect fellow human beings. I hope to grow as empathetic as you one day.

I look up to your continuous striving to stay involved in your students’ business by making sure they stay caught up with school work. Additionally, I learned to hold myself accountable for my actions. Amazingly, you make sure students prepare for the future and teach with purpose. Furthermore, you help students solve problems instead of giving them the state of mind to depend on others solve issues for them. I appreciate you giving realistic expectations for the future.

I remember the first week of sixth grade and how you emphasized the importance of communication with people. Instead of stressing about bad grades, you told us to evaluate where we went wrong. Once we discover our mistake, we find the most logical solution. The way to solve the issue may be to email a teacher or strategize how to raise your grade and work harder. I appreciate everything I learned from you including empathy and learning to research news in the world. Thank you for improving my mindset. Thank you for increasing my hope for the world. Thank you for staying as someone I admire and appreciate.


Lulia W.

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