Mrs. Passler | Teen Ink

Mrs. Passler

April 19, 2016
By _Yellow_Rose_ GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
_Yellow_Rose_ GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
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I came into high school with a passion, love, and admiration of learning. But during my junior year, I lost the drive as I fought through stress, difficult classes, and taking care of my ill father. . .
I struggled to hold back tears on nearly a daily basis, yearning for my once optimistic view on high school. But two classes stood out to me. These two classes were relaxing and fun, and two classes felt like family. These two classes were World Literature and British Literature with Mrs. Passler, second and tenth period everyday.
Mrs. Passler stood out at Arrowhead High School because she was more like a scholar than a teacher. She had an immense library of knowledge, and despite her extreme intelligence, she is one of the most joyful and laid back people you could meet.
Walking into class the first day, Mrs. Passler stood out with her warm and positive attitude, and her, as she calls it, “Hippie-Dippie” personality, which is a perfect self description of her sense of style and outlook on the world.
Mrs. Passler provided a comforting mother-like environment in her classroom, which she never strayed from. Never did I have to worry that Mrs. Passler could be in a bad mood, because her upbeat attitude is a constant.
Every class begins with “Okay, dolly lollies!” Or “Good morning, cutie patooties!” making new students laugh, and filling us with readiness when we became used to her classes.
Simple, ancient, or otherwise boring stories that no one had interest in, she illustrated. When she explained a Mesopotamian text, or The Epic of Beowulf, she would bring it to life. She weaves humor into the dull stories, and relates the difficult to understand to the present, making it easy for anyone to learn.
Even when I was having the worst of days, she managed to bring light into my darkness. But I wasn’t the only person affected by Mrs. Passler’s daily positivity. Almost everyone to enter her classroom has shared a similar experience to mine.
She prepared students for tests and quizzes, and always gave us special attention, making sure every last one of us could succeed. When she wasn’t teaching, she was getting to know us individually. Complimenting doodles on homework, asking us about our favorite activities, and always helping us (even when it doesn’t involve her class), made the classroom like home. I could talk to Mrs. Passler about anything my heart desired and she’d make time to listen, giving me feedback that was entertaining or enlightening.
The time I told her I had a date coming up, she replied with, “Yay! Good job!” like I had just won a Passler Reward for Accomplishment, giving me a burst of self confidence lasting me into other classes throughout the day. Just thinking about Mrs. Passler could bring a smile into a bad day, her humorous antics and uplifting conversations refreshing as sunlight in my mind.
Mrs. Passler creates a comfortable atmosphere and space for her students that overall paves way for our success in her class as well as others, as she leaves each of us with smiles that we carry on into other classrooms.
I continue to meet people each semester telling me “I love Passler!” And “Passler is the best.” Never have I heard a negative comment relating to her. Though I am not currently in any of her classes, she still makes time to ask questions about the classes I am in.
I can ask her opinions on my artwork, writing, or even my outfits and I get an honest answer articulated with a dose of her incredible intelligence.
Mrs. Passler made learning easier for me despite everything else in life crumbling. If it weren’t for her, I would never have regained my passion for learning.
I nominate Mrs. Passler for educator of the year because she is not only the most intelligent woman you can ever hope to meet, but because she is like sunshine when all you can see is darkness in your path, like blooming flowers surrounding concrete pavement, and like a mother to make you feel wanted while everyone else seems to be bringing you down. I could never thank you enough, Mrs. Passler, you’ll always have a special place in my heart.

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