Yousef Krakat A.K.A fouseyTUBE | Teen Ink

Yousef Krakat A.K.A fouseyTUBE

January 20, 2016
By Kathia BRONZE, New York, New York
Kathia BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yousef Erakat A.K.A fouseyTUBE

    Usually you would see the topic “Educator of the Year” and think about it being written about teachers. But now in modern days, there are things that we use and see every day that gives us knowledge. For instance, the internet because every day we use it for knowledge, games, and especially watching videos.  Most of the time we watch funny videos that have no meaning whatsoever. But one day I stumbled along a video that reminded me of my moral values and the meaning of life. The youtuber that creates these videos is named Yousef Erakat also known as fouseyTUBE.                                                                                                                                       Yousef Erakat is not only a youtuber, he is a motivational speaker, and has more than 7 million subscribers at age 25. He makes videos about various topics and some of those videos are social experiments. These social experiments recreate real life problems in public to see how people will react. Reactions of people could be positive or negative but either way he always has an important message to tell the public and us as viewers. I always had a strong belief in doing the right thing but sometimes you forget about your beliefs and get so consumed in society. There are so many bad influences out there which make you get

confused about what is right and what is wrong. Just by watching Erakat’s videos, it made me remember about what I believed in and it brought me back to my roots.     

      Erakat is also not afraid to express himself and be real. He made a video called “Ramadan Nightmare.” It is about having to fast (not eat/drink anything for the whole day) while his other friends are eating. He was determined not to break his fast but he kept on complaining. Until he saw on the news that many kids were starving, had diseases, and were dying. This was when he decided to be quite and as I said before he left a message saying “Count all of your blessings, there is always someone out there that has it worse than you, stop looking at what you don’t have and start being thankful for what you have, what you consider a nightmare would be someone else’s dream.” Furthermore, it sends a very important message that everyone needs to know. Whenever I would feel negative about myself, I would look at his videos and the lessons he teaches. Just by looking at his video, it sends a positive vibe, makes me feel positive, and grateful for what I have. 

      Including, another social experiment called “The Homeless Child Experiment,” with over 20 million views. As a matter of fact the video sends us a huge message that we need to take action and help the people in need. Specifically, the video begins with a quote saying “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich- J.F.K.” In the social experiment there was a child pretending to be homeless standing outside to see

what people would do. It took place where malls were so people surely had money. Considering the fact that the boy was holding a sign saying “I just want enough money to get my sister a meal.” People were walking pass him and were ignoring the fact that he needed help. Nobody but one person had given him money, and the little boy was standing there for about 4 hours. Erakat himself ended up helping a man by giving him one hundred dollars to help get his dog back. After he talks about helping people who are in need he leaves another message by saying “$1 in your pocket may feel like $100 in someone else’s, 1 person can’t change the world, but together we can make it a better place.” And later the man told Erakat that he got his dog back and said “Angels do exist.”

       To illustrate, this made me realize that we are more capable of doing things than we think. And that it is never too late to start to make a positive impact on our lives. Erakat does many so more of these experiments like “The Bullying Experiment, Texting and Driving, Dropping Wallet Experiment,” and etc. For some situations nobody does anything, but then there are a few that actually do something. He had helped homeless people get back on their feet and much more. This is a real wide awakener that we need to start to take action and make a difference just like what Yousef Erakat has been doing for at least the past 2 years. 

         For one thing it is crystal clear that Yousef Erakat deserves “Educator of the year.” We get inspiration and knowledge not only from teachers but from the people that surround us.

And even though he is not a teacher in a school, he teaches us moral values that are very important throughout our daily lives. This is something that we should cherish and take to consideration. Yousef Erakat A.K.A fouseyTUBE is my definition of a teacher and a great person.

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