Many In School Suspensions | Teen Ink

Many In School Suspensions

January 11, 2016
By dj_dino_ray BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
dj_dino_ray BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
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Many In School Suspensions
During my seventh grade year at Defiance Middle School, I was a bad kid and a rebel. I really didn’t care about being in trouble because I thought it was cool. Now today I know it’s not cool to not respect the teacher or sleep in class; it’s lame.
At Defiance, we called in school suspensions DLC’S (detention learning center), and it is a brick wall in front, two wooden walls on the side, then behind was all open area. When I approach the DLC room, there were metal detectors to detect for phones or any of other metal objects. I couldn’t see unless I turned all the way around, and it was miserable and boring. I wasn’t allowed sleep or else I would get screamed at. The homework was sent down to me, and I did it all by myself. All my friends were up in class laughing and having fun, and I was in a cell all day like a prisoner.
The first time in DLC, the principal commanded, “I’m going to put you in here for half a day to show what it’s like,” remarked Mr. Beaterstead. I was put there because I was acting up in class and talking all the time. The principal Mr. Beatersted told me, “Next time you’ll will be in DLC a full day,” he warned. Like always, I’m dumb and, of course, my dumb self didn’t listen.
The first time I was put in DLC was because we had a presentation of our family, but we didn’t need real pictures of them. I used inappropriate people as my siblings, and after I created my presentation, I sent it to my computer teacher. My computer teacher put my presentation on the screen for the whole class to see. After a few slides of my presentation with half-dressed girls on the screen, the whole class laughed. Then, Mr. Miller shut down the presentation and announced, “Shut your computer off and go to the office!” I thought, ‘I don’t care.’ I was placed into DLC immediately. I was out in a day, and it wasn’t too horrible.
Little seventh grader DJ Ray had another incident. I threw this paper ninja star across the study hall room, and I aimed for my friend Gonzo; but it almost hit a teacher.  The teacher Mr. Rex asked, “Who threw that?” I busted out laughing, and he told me to go to the office. Mr. Rex was a young strong guy; he actually looked like a t-rex with his short little arms. I was suspended and had DLC for a day. Another time I patted Mr.Roger’s on the back, and he gave me a DLC.
After a couple more times I spent in DLC, I was maturing and began to think, ‘This is miserable. I hate it.’ After that I stopped doing rebellious activities. I was focusing on football for next year. Towards a couple of weeks left in school, this kid’s marker was leaking, and he decided to throw all the ink on people even me and accused me. The whole entire room smelled like ink. I was blamed and questioned. The principal asked me if I did it, and I told him, “No, it was Johnny.” He kept questioning me, so I was like I don’t care. I told him that I did it, so I received three DLC’S. I was just expecting a detention. I said to him, “It really wasn’t me.” He didn’t believe me, so I had to serve them.
The next day I told the kid who threw the ink that if he didn’t tell the principal it was him who did it something was going to go down, and I was being serious; something would go down! I told Johnny, “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee watch out.” I was so furious at this kid. I wanted to hit him right then and there, but I kept my composure and moved along. Well, the kid never said it was him, so I served the DLC’s; nevertheless, I never touched him because I was in school, and I didn’t want to get in trouble with the law.
The last day of school, my best friend Tristan and I chose to get suspended for fun because we were just watching a movie that day. Let me just say this; we earned our wish like always. Till this day my mom still doesn’t know because my aunt picked me up when I was suspended. I don’t get in trouble anymore because I finally realize it’s time to grow up and start acting like an adult. I knew if I kept acting like a child, I wouldn’t live the life I’ve always wanted.

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