Educator | Teen Ink


October 12, 2015
By haleykalal GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
haleykalal GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hi! This is Kristi Kirk, the nurse at Arrowhead High School.”
I have heard Mrs. Kirk answer the phone this way thousands of times. During my freshman and sophomore years, I had problems with constant headaches which led to severe depression and anxiety.
When I first met Mrs. Kirk, she seemed sweet and understanding, but I had no idea how well we were going to know each other over the next few months.
The past two years have been extremely difficult for me, especially being in school with excruciating headaches. I would leave class several times a day and head down to the health room for pain meds or to lie down. After months of this, Mrs. Kirk decided it was time we were on a first name basis. From then on, she was simply Kristi.
I knew Kristi felt for me when she saw the pain in my eyes. She always knew when my smile was fake and if I needed a friend. Every time I needed her, Mrs. Kirk would drop whatever she was doing to help me feel better. But she doesn’t only do this for me--she cares for each individual who walks through her door.
Kristi is kind, understanding and inspiring. When I am at a 9 (on a pain scale of 1-10) she reminds me of a time when I was at a 5 and, although unlikely, it is not impossible. “We will get it back there,” is something she frequently tells me when I have bad days.
Mrs. Kirk pushes me to try new things and to work my hardest. She has helped me get through the toughest of times and I am so grateful for that.
On one particularly difficult day, her encouraging words --“I know how much it hurts right now, but you can survive this just like everyday before today”--helped me get through the day.
She helped rearrange my schedule so I'm not so stressed, she helped me calm down when I was anxious, and sometimes she could make me feel better when my head made functioning impossible. Kristi makes me feel like I am worth something.
Being in the health room so often, I witnessed the kindness and care Kristi provides for other people as well. She makes sure each student in the health room is comfortable and cared for. Mrs. Kirk and her positive attitude make everyone’s day turn right around. And more of my days have been brighter thanks to her.
Kristi Kirk--the nurse at Arrowhead High school--has helped me overcome so many obstacles over the past two years. Although in unfortunate circumstances, I am fortunate to have met and become close with Mrs. Kirk.
She is an inspiring, intuitive, and incredible person. And that is why I am nominating Kristi Kirk as educator of the year.

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