Educator | Teen Ink


October 7, 2015
By Edewald GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Edewald GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was in the fifth grade, Mr. Dean read us quotes to jot down in our character folders and learn life lessons from. One in particular that stuck in my head was “Be the change you want to see in the world.” This has never left my mind as I walk through my life as a senior in high school.

It makes me feel old when I say it was a long time ago, but it truly was. Seven years ago, when I first met Mr. Dean, he was a super funny, understanding, and motivating man. His teaching styles were easy to follow and he helped me when I needed it.

My classmates and I would tease him on his muscular jaw flared, how it bulged on both sides of his face when he would eat an apple as if he was a fine piece of machinery. Mr. Dean was an athlete, slender and in shape, and he could beat any of our butts in a race. As seventh grade year rolled by and we said goodbye to our favorite teachers, Mr. Dean popped out of his class and told us he was moving up to teach in the eighth grade wing with us. I was so excited to have my favorite teacher move up with me yet again.

He was the high school boys varsity soccer coach, while playing soccer still himself. A proud--stern man representing his school district.  His family was supportive of him and the schools, as I’d see them during every parade clapping and waving with both of his young kids and wife at side. Supporting the different events that his students did.

Teaching literature in the eighth grade wing, I had the blessing of seeing him again in that class, every day for fifth hour. His smile caught my attention as I walked into the room, along with him saying, “Hey folks” as soon as we started the class. Snapping and clapping his hands, students could not understood how those two things combined together, but it was an easy way to get our young unfocused minds to focus on one thing.

I want him to know that quote has impacted my life. Being nice to people is a given to most, if you want to see the world as a more friendly place, it must start somewhere. Be the start to the change in the world is how the quote spoke to me. I know that quote better than I know my own house number. I would recite back as he said it every day, the quote never left me. Furthermore, he changed the way I look at life.

The author's comments:

This was about a teacher that I have not seen in  a while and have not communicated to. He means a lot to me and gave me life lessons from when I was younger that still impacts my life.

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