Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By 6purnell SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6purnell SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I ran the home stretch of the Pewaukee kids triathlon, my legs felt like tree trunks and my lungs felt like a deflated balloon. I desperately fought the urge to give up. But in that instant, I heard a voice screaming out, “GO PHELAN!” Even though this lady was a stranger, she gave me the strength I needed to finish the race.

After the race, I learned this women was Heather, my father's friend and old triathlon teammate. Heather Haviland is a former pro triathlete who uses her years of experience and knowledge to coach others. A few years after meeting Heather I decide to take triathlons more seriously which meant I needed a coach and Heather was more than willing to take on that roll.    

Heather is the greatest motivator in my life. During practice, she is not afraid to jump into the workout and push me harder than others are willing to.

One time at an early morning swim practice--the worst ones--I had a tough workout and she decided to do it with me. But halfway through, she saw I was beating her to the wall. Heather wanted to push me, so she put on paddles. It was much more of a challenge to keep up with her and that was probably one of my best workouts. Heather will do whatever it takes to help me succeed. 

She takes an interest in all parts of my life, whether it's “what did you learn today in school?” or “Phelan, who were those boys?” Heather accepts and understands me for my mistakes.

Although heather is just my coach she has taught me how to be a better person. She always is friendly and welcoming to everyone she meets. Heather always has a positive attitude in even the toughest of situation. Heather taught me by her example that life is only as good as your outlook on it.

Throughout the past ten years, Heather taught me many things. She taught me to eat healthier. She taught me about the sport of triathlon and she continues to teach me every practice. Heather is not only a coach, but also an educator and friend. She wants me to succeed and reach my goals, but most of all, be happy doing it.  

As long as I can remember, Heather has been a part of my life as she is for all her athletes. She has devoted her life to improving the lives of others, which is why I nominate Heather Haviland as educator of the year.

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