Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 17, 2015
By danielle vacek BRONZE, East Bernard, Texas
danielle vacek BRONZE, East Bernard, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I nominate Tammy Triplett as the most inspiring person, she helped me see the potential within myself. She was my 6th, 7th and 8th grade English teacher who teaches at East Bernard Junior High. As much as I struggled with reading and comprehending stories, I can say that now I have overcome most of these issues and I am reading more fluently.

Every year I struggle when it comes to taking the reading STAAR test. Never really knowing what was wrong but I was overwhelmed with comprehending the stories. After taking tutorials every year and trying to help me improve, Mrs. Triplett had suggested taking me to an eye specialist that she recommended. After taking the test they discovered that my eyes would go back over the words trying to comprehend what it said. Finally they figured this problem only after I was assigned in classes that I shouldn't have been in because they didn't know there even was a problem to start with.  I couldn't read like the other students making me very frustrated. My reading ability has changed dramatically, with me reading many more books than I used to which increased my reading skills and knowledge. With the help of a lovely person like Ms. Triplett, one who told you “I love you” everyday just shows how much she actually does care about you.


Reading much better now than before, I can say that the STAAR test has become easier now. I don’t think that I would have found out what was wrong with my reading skills if it wasn't for my 6th grade English teacher

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