Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 16, 2015
By CharlieV50 SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
CharlieV50 SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

     Everybody in the school calls her Rodeghier. She is a librarian, a friend, and an uplifting mentor. I have never been the type of student to go to the library. But when the librarian is similar to Oprah Winfrey, it is not so bad. Librarians are unfortunately known as strict ladies that tell you to be quiet constantly. But, Rodeghier always has a smile on her face, and if she does have to tell us to be quiet, she does so in a delightful way, to please be quiet. Similar to the amazing woman, Oprah Winfrey, Rodeghier is always putting others before herself.

      Most students think librarians do not have lives outside of school, but Rodeghier decorates cakes with her daughter as a side job. Rodeghier came to school one day with a baked cake, because it was the other librarian’s birthday. School rule: No eating in the library. Not only did she make enough cake for the other librarians, but also for several of us students.

     Not only is she really close with her family, but she is comfortable opening up to us students, too. Rodeghier shared a story with me and a few other students about how her daughter almost died in a car accident, she had pictures of the scene with her behind her desk that she showed to us. She has about 1,000 kids walk through her library a day so for her to share that story with us meant a lot.
      Rodeghier will always give you advice if you need it. If I’m having a bad day, it is hard to talk to her without cracking a smile or laughing at her jokes. Shes taught me to look at the positive side of every situation. With my parents’ recent divorce, she has always been someone I know I can talk to. Her outlook on life has changed mine in an amazing way. 

      She also has talked to me how her father has alzheimers  and has recently had to move in with her because he needs full attention. She will tell me how it has been tough, but how she is trying to best with the situation. She is always telling me how grateful she is for her family. Rodeghier is like Oprah, changing kids lives everyday. I am nominating Therese Rodeghier because it is time I put a smile on her face.

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