Best math teacher ever Mr.Moffet | Teen Ink

Best math teacher ever Mr.Moffet

January 30, 2015
By Jayphin SILVER, Wilmigton, Delaware
Jayphin SILVER, Wilmigton, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

-Hey do you want to skip class?

-No I got math, that’s my favorite class.

    I heard this conversation one day in my 7th grade year. It was the first time ever in my life to hear those words, but it was not a surprise. I had even said it my self that math was my favorite class. Then again who would not say that if the best teacher in the world were your math teacher.

  He had a unique way to teach. He would not only project his math skills to us, but also have fun with it. I pretty much hate math. Since the X and Y became numbers I started hatting math even more. Well during his year of teaching me math became easy and I completely understood everything.  Before we had a big test we would review the math problems with a jeopardy game. He would dive us into teams, and the team who would win would get candy as a reward. When we would do war ups he would also give out candy for who ever answer the question correctly or even the person who went up the board and try.
Everyday when you would enter his class you would see a colorful smart board with a joke. He knew that our other classes were stressful and that a little bit of humor would help. He was such a humorous individual but at the same time very professional.

  Also he is the type of teacher you can tell your problems to. He does not only fall in the category of a wonderful and excellent teacher but also a friend. He was the teacher who would worry about you and your problems; he would listen to you even when he was really occupied. He would leave all his work and talk to you when you needed him.

  Back in 7th and 8th grade I was having some problems with this girl who was trying to pick on me. Since I did not let her bully me she got even madder and try to fight me. I really did not want to get suspended because I was fighting so I went to talk to him. He told me to not worry and that he was going to take care of the problem. I told him that the girl would still seek for problems even if he spoke to the administrators about it.

  The day of the fight arrived and it was on the bus halfway home. The bus driver called for an administrator to go and deal with us. My math teacher cared so much about my problem that he arrived with the administrator to see if I was okay. Instead of him occupying his time in other things he decided to be there for me.

  I know that not any teacher would want to give up their time to go and deal with a frequent pupil problem like mines. I had always appreciated my teacher, but since that day I realize that he was one of does teachers you can only meet once in a lifetime.

  Mr.Moffet is my forever-favorite teacher. A.I middle school is lucky to have a teacher like him. He is such a wonderful person and teacher. He is really excellent at his job.
No one would have been able to take his place and be like him. This is why I nominated him as educator of the year. He is really excellent at his job.

  This will certify that the above work is completely original.

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