The Double Door Keeper | Teen Ink

The Double Door Keeper

January 29, 2015
By JoSaint BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
JoSaint BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   "He's not to heavy that's my brother". You would never think this has anything to do with world history do you? Also how getting mad and running into file cabinet head first has to do with history either. That's  Mr Lee for you, my tenth grade world history teacher. The teacher who doesn't care if you  don't like him or what you say. The one who motivates everyone to be better.
    A lot of students might say they don't like him but to me Mr Lee is one of the best. No one can deny that when it comes to teaching he knows what he's doing. When he gives lessons he makes them personal or tells us in ways that we could understand. He makes learning history bearable and not boring. It also doesn't matter what time it is he is full energy and ready to go. Though this is not only thing he does he was also my volleyball coach.
     Coach Mr Lee is as amazing as teaching Mr Lee. He is a pusher and that is one thing I love about him. He doesn't accept half effort only a hundred percent. There is no slacking or coming late to class nor practice with him. No matter what he is always proud of the team as long as they tried their best.
      Another thing that he is famous for is his speeches. This is the worst part for most but when it comes to me it helps me. It reminds that not everything I do is right. Also it shows how sometimes you should be respectful to the person who has your best interest at heart. I know he does it to makes us better and I'm very grateful for them.
        Mr Lee  will forever be my favorite teacher. From his disciplining to his hilarious jokes that make him memorable. Even teaching one of my least favorite subject and making it interesting and fun. Making it his class on time was my mission so I could start my day right. He truly is an amazing teacher.

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