Educator of the year!!! | Teen Ink

Educator of the year!!!

January 29, 2015
By ompatel SILVER, Newport, Delaware
ompatel SILVER, Newport, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the year is a person who really puts up the hard work. And is a person that in my dictionary stays on, track not only that but someone who also helps the students when they need help and is always advocating for them when needed. He is also dogmatic that every student has the right to become successful. He is also magnanimous towards the students when mistakes happen accidently.
Educator of the year is to me Mr. John Melidosian because he is great teacher, better person and a better friend who at the end of the day you can rely on and get help from. Like at the end of the day the educator of the year is a person that always helped every student and is most likely to get to all the kids on the same page without leaving any problems or doubt unsolved.
Mr. John Melidosian is a marvelous teacher because when I had him in 9th grade he was my math teacher. Therefor he is a better teacher because no matter what he is always trying to keep kids happy by telling jokes playing with kids. But he is more divergent in dealing with kids rather than other teacher because something that pops out more about him is that he is energetic in giving kids the education. He will never leave kids on the empty page he will always explain what to do and how to do due to that he is always a good idol yet a better inspiration to the kids.
Mr. John Melidosian is also a better person because no matter how much in a hurry he is in If we go to him for help he will help us unlike other teachers they help but not all the way. They always leave some parts of the puzzle blank where on the other hand Mr. Male always fill the whole puzzle in no matter how much of a hurry he is in. That is a quality of a better person because no matter what a person who knows should help another person because sharing education is the biggest prize a person could get in the world. Because people can steal money and worldly thing but nobody can steal education and therefor the more you spread education the more education you will get.
All in all Mr. John Melidosian is a better person, teacher, and a friend because no matter what he always helps. The most fascinating thing about him is that he has many other duties in school but for the success of the kids he is always there for the kids. He is more like a buddy that will never leave you no matter what and is a reliable person for any kind of help for success. Therefor he is an inspiration to all the kids to be a better person by showing a positive attitude and is always helpful and will never give a bad advice to any kid if they don’t know what to do.

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