Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 7, 2014
By Melanie Sayers BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Melanie Sayers BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Educator of the Year Nomination

My favorite teacher would have to be Ms.Dick, the 9th grade English teacher in DMA. For the first few days of being new, she was very welcoming to the whole class and made it a very open happy room for all of us to be in. My English perspective has changed a lot because of her and made my learning experience much better than the past. We’ve been learning much faster and more every week to move on to something different, but also learning at a good pace. Every day is something new to look forward too.
Her teaching has definitely been an outstanding way to reach out to kids. She adds humor, to being serious, to giving us such detail to make us want to listen. Her tests and quizzes have always been reasonable and I’m glad to say that she’s been teaching in such good way I understand more than I ever have. She gives great advice on everything we’re doing, whether it’s to review, make note cards, reread or simply stay after school to understand the concept. She says there’s always an option to have or get help. She grades very accurately and gives little notes on the sides of papers to show what to do next time and correct us at the time.
Her personality every day is so enlightening to me and she tells us what to expect for that class and what will happen after were done. Ms.Dick gives incredible speeches about many topics to relate to school to help us out more or just for the benefit of knowing something important. We always get enough time in-between tests to study and know the concepts before jumping into something new. She uses a very good tone with our class too, and it makes you want to listen more when teachers get your attention and make it interesting. She advises us to take notes on videos we watch and what she talks about to make It much easier on us than to try to remember everything.
Having her as a teacher made me love going to school and looking forward to her classes. Vocab words have been so helpful to me, and I’ve been improving thought out the marking periods. She has a way to get through the students to let them know if something is confusing, just let her know and she’ll happily discuss it. If you have a problem, she will tell the class advice in case anyone else is wondering the same thing or has related questions. Throughout the year I’ve seen nothing but a great English teacher who has made me and many other students love English and to be at DMA.
She has made an impact on me by making me a better person and actually loving school. Her ways of teaching have made a difference too many kids which is why she would be perfect for the Teen Inks 2014 Educator of the Year. I’ve learned so much new material than I ever have in the past school years which goes to show how amazing she really is. All students love teachers for certain reasons but mine is simply the way she is and how she teaches. This has been my best year so far and I’m happy I got to have her as a teacher.

The author's comments:
She's an amazng teacher and i lover writing about her

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