Michael Feuerstahler: English • Arrowhead High School | Teen Ink

Michael Feuerstahler: English • Arrowhead High School MAG

March 31, 2014
By Joshua,D.Dieball BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Joshua,D.Dieball BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
what?-dolan mullins

The first day I walked into Room 203 of Arrowhead High School, I found not only a teacher, but a hero who inspired me to read and write. My hatred of reading had been bothering me for years, and it showed no sign of going away. But remarkably this loathing subsided when Mr. Feuerstahler showed me the deeper meanings in the books we read.

Chapter by chapter, he made the books seem like the words were turning into a play. Page by page, his readings made my mind delve deeper and deeper into the plot. If I wasn't fully intrigued by the book, he would find a way to redirect my attention. My school work ethic was not very good – I was basically failing out of high school – but he changed homework into an adventure and reading into tales of a faraway time, making me grow to love school.

Through his wisdom, perseverance, and lessons, he put me on the path to graduation and to do something that will be remembered, instead of just existing in this world. He gave me a reason to do better and the desire to do better. This isn't limited to school. I have applied his teachings to many aspects of my life. I normally have a shield blocking everyone from my life, and I often resent people, but he made me break out of that shell and prosper.

I was, and still am, in a challenging predicament when it comes to school. During my life, I really had no one stand up and give me direction. I still don't have any idea what I want to do with my life, but I can say Mr. Feuerstahler gave me more direction than anyone except for my parents. I thank him for what he has brought to my life and for the influence he will have on my future.

The author's comments:
this teacher showed me i love reading and that words on a page are more then just words

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